Do you believe in Free Will?
For as long as I can remember, I was told “it’s your choice.
” But is it? The answer may surprise you.

About the Author

Nick Vale is a member of Mensa (top 2% high IQ society) and was the host of the “No Free Will” television show in Manhattan, New York for many years. He was also the co-host of “Exploring the Illusion of Free Will” television show in White Plains, NY with George Ortega for many years as well.   Nick Vale is a business owner in New York City, a public intellectual, and an “outside the box” thinker, visionary, and ultimate truth seeker.  Nick was born in Portugal and then raised in New York City.  He has also used the following pen names:

Enel Vale, The Messenger, and The Master Teachers.

His favorite quote and motivation for wanting to explain to the world why free will is an illusion is




Benifits of no free will is devoted to the spiritual truth that life is all luck because free will is an illusion.
Blame Removal

Thou shall not deeply, truly, fundamentally, or excessively blame. Thou shall understand that the word blame is a very superficial word. If you were another person, you would have the soul of that other person.

More Compassion

Understanding that free will is an illusion is important, not only because it’s the truth, but because it’s needed for a significant shift in attitudes. Raising humanity’s conscious awareness of this fact, when done properly and in a way in which people truly understand the implications, can increase the compassion and empathy people have for others. 

Less Egoism

Belief in free will means never having to acknowledge your own great good fortune or recognize the far greater misfortune of others. It is the conceit of the belief in free will that today ensures and justifies that so many at the bottom are denied any chance of social and economic equality

About the Illusion of free Will

Look at life from another side  – The no free will side.

In short, you could not have done otherwise – so therefore, everything is predetermined.  As Sam Harris has said “What evidence could possibly be put forward to show that one could have acted differently in the past?”

Free Will is false.  Free will doesn’t exist.  Free will is an illusion.  However you word it — there is no such thing as free will.  We must all come together now as a species and put all our different backgrounds aside.  We must all unite in the most important discovery in the history of time and start discussing openly and honestly what it means that human beings do not have free will.  This fascinating truth will change EVERYTHING as it makes it more obvious why a Universal Basic Income is simply the moral thing to do.  Politicians like Bernie Sanders and Andrew Yang understand that gargantuan income inequality is immoral and wrong but they never say why that is so.  The reason why is because free will is an illusion and life is only about fate and luck.  Everything must have a cause or reason, everything is conditioning, you could not have done otherwise, you have no choice but to choose what you feel is best for you to choose at the time with the data you have at the time, humans have a subconscious/unconscious, and you did not choose your parents or soul or how you were raised (nature and nurture).  The world is either deterministic or indeterministic and neither grants free will.  There is no third option.  Why is this obvious truth being ignored or going unaddressed in the media?  Let’s change that!

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